
This section started in the year 2001 with a single division of junior kindergarten. At present there are fifteen divisions with a strength of nine hundred students. At FAMS learning is facilitated with a holistic development of the child through the EVS Approach to learning , (PARISAR ASHA), focusing on moral, ethical and cultural awareness. As a result, children develop into smart confident individuals who are ready to step into the threshold of formal learning.

Primary and Secondary

The pre-primary students are automatically admitted to Std I. The EVS approach to learning continues in the primary section where the focus is on learning experiences that develop concepts rather than on rote learning. High standards of academic education provided to each student over the years has yielded high level academic achievements as proven by our second batch of S.S.C students.

Jr. College

The Junior College, which started in 2012, presently has a strength of 141 students. We have the Science stream with Electronics and Biology and the Commerce stream.